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News Headlines

News & Information On Facebook

For all of the latest information on our bowling and social activities, visit our Facebook page:

Clubhouse Bar Volunteers

The bar provides a major source of income for the Club, and we are always looking for volunteers to help with serving or restocking the bar. All training will be provided, including how to use our modern touch screen register.

Contact our Bar Manager Jo Walker on our Management Committee contacts page here.


Applications for membership are always welcome. Full Members (Bowling Members) can use the green and clubhouse, and participate in social activities. Social Members can use the clubhouse and participate in social activities, and can make limited use of the green upon payment of an additional per-session fee. You can apply online from our Membership page here.

Alternatively, contact our Membership Secretary Jane Falle on our Management Committee contacts page here.​

100 Club Draw

Being a member gives you an opportunity to participate in the 100 Club draw. Win monthly cash prizes and at the same time help to raise funds for the club. We typically raise over £500 each year. The cost per number is £20 per year, with all payments due by the end of February. You can pay by bank transfer (preferred), cash, or cheque, or by credit/debit card in the pavilion bar.

Contact our 100 Club Coordinator Steve Harding on our Social Contacts page here

Sponsorship Opportunities

There are lots of opportunities for local businesses to support the club through sponsorship.

Contact our Development & Publicity Officer on our Management Committee contacts page here.

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